Friday, July 02, 2004

Upcoming Photoshop Classes

A number of you asked where I would be teaching Adobe Photoshop classes in the near future. Here's my upcoming teaching schedule:

Photoshop Intensive
July 12-16, 2004:
I'll be teaching an intensive 5 day workshop in Photoshop I (Beginning
Photoshop) for the Digital Media Academy from July 12-16, 2004. The class will be held at the University of Texas at Austin. I highly recommend this class if you really want to learn Photoshop. We cover all of the features of the program in detail with hands-on training at a terrific facility. I've taught similar classes at Lynda Weinman's Digital Arts Center and other locations, and they are always a great
learning experience.
Go to for more information or call The Digital Media Academy at 1-866-656-3342 to register.

Photoshop for the Web
M, Th July 26-Aug 4, 2004 6-9 pm
or W Oct. 27-Nov. 11, 2004 6-9 pm:
I'm teaching a four evening class called Professional Photoshop for the Web (CAGR 3111) through University of Colorado at Boulder Continuing Education. The course meets in the University Management Systems Building at CU Boulder. It's being offered twice: from July 26 through August 5 on Monday and Thursday evenings and again from October 27 through November 11 on Wednesday evenings. You'll learn literally everything about preparing photos and graphics for the Web.
Go to the CU Boulder Continuing Education website for more information.

Photoshop for Photographers, Sat. October 16, 2004:
This is a one-day workshop that covers how photographers can get the most out of Photoshop. This is a very practical focused class with lots of great information for this audience.
Check the CU Boulder Continuing Education website in a few weeks for detailed information about this Fall semester workshop.

I hope to see you soon at one of my classes.


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